Sunday, September 6, 2015


Note:- We know that USA is the largest production of soyabean oil . The demand  of  ediable oil is growing high. so time has come to produce more oil and export to worldwide. Because the land for cultivation in the world decrease and only the plan we have to develops for agricultural land for that issue be great selection for more agricultural business developments. pls do comments it.  

      There is rapid growth of populations to the world but the cultivated land is decreasing . Also the polution rate of the soil is going on high. so the yield of the arable land decreases more.the overall  impact of crops growth is decreasing. so the developng country of the world take measures for  the facts an factor of arable land  production. How  to make a system for much production of crops and foods of the world in a sustainable conditions. the awareness must be there when the situation comes worsed. we have shown graphs of some of these.

   On the following conditions we may desire that whenever of any place of excavations of the earthworks than the soil under test will be provided it to the arable lands that increases the arable land factors. so take it mind that when do any excavation than the tracks or lorry must take it at remote place for proper arable land factor developments rather than loose the soil recklessness.

soil ph level

The chart of hu vs temp is:-

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Why many countries of the world goes on poverty and poor

This is known and heavenly true that when there is any war in any country there have poverty arises. The crime and war both occurred begin. there have no good relations with governments. law and order situation goes down. there will is unrest and hollow situations feels all arrounds. It is known the facts that when America attacks Iraq then after some day later hit Lebanon. the economic situation fall down. the affected countries have no rules and situation is panics. on the contrary the situation of Pakistan is going worsen by the rebel and political agitations. on the same way the situation on  gaza is most turmoiled by land. The country of japan economy fall down for the natural disasterous  earth quakes. on the behalf the market of china policy goes up on they good in the situations.the whole world is facing of unemployment situation. because

     Now the question is how do come out from the situations now on.
  1.  take measures and accountabily from the industry level where to most output comes but    not now is the major fatigues of economy. 
  2.  the administration of local office on what the people works for there life dependencies  is not misguiding and mistrusting authority according the political exercise.
  3.  politics of ruling party influenced the office authority biased in tremendious ill of the country as well as the service of the institutions. 
  4.  law and order situation be good.
  5.  socio-economics condition and flows of economics will be needed on trusty basis.
  6.  place more  employment rate as decreased .
  7.  the pending mills and factory will works
  8.  man power will be implied more.
  9.  quality service of government works be trustfulness.
  10.  medical and transport service be more realistics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Structural study of japan that makes earth quakes remove from the country

  If we go by the way of new designing to make a rcc(re-enforced concrete) in the portion of tectonic plate region where the fault occurs, there will be possibility of remove the fault gap.The concreate can be put by TBM mechanism.

          working principal:-

       1) First to calculate the plate tectonic region from the fault points.

       2) The flactuation of fracture to calculate.

  3) The measuring movements and momentum of last and previous earth quakes in the places.

4) The route managements on what way the TBM mechanism works.

5) The measurements from the surface of earth to the bottom of the faults.  Below the links:-

      How do TBM machine can works to push on real Concreate on tectonic plates gap or energy valumptuas gap position sets for reducing energy faults.


Metro Rail Projects of  BANGLADESH

It is going on full swing to develop on  metro rail in Bangladesh. Whenever consider any structural there must submit design for it. What to be or not to be.The questions arises?

 1.) Is it possible on what  way, if we get balance of the vehicle load (which now possilly india runs by vehicle load 88 tons ).
 2.)  Now the questions about how much strength of the beam and column be is it by 50 to 100 times possible load carrier or more.
 3.)  All of the materials made by rod and rcc of stone.
 4.)  The partial deflection of the beam must be calculated.
 5.)  The wind force around the beam and column structure must be sustainable.
 6.)  The speed of the vehicle produces how much gravitational force to the partial frictional force generates. 
Note:- 1) Now the world class engineer's are going to find out how the flows of winds or strom strikes    on the beam or cantilever or column . How do propagation of oscillates the total structure with the flow of strong winds. Firstly a little oscillation to bridge in a simple propagation.Than next more oscillation to the bridge with  the same direction of oscillation force hits. So the the propagation of  oscilation tremendously causes distructions.
              2) Earth's gravitational force ( G) how do reacts on bridges or vehicle on bridges ( if metro rail ,I say ) the sudden impact of strong winds flow or strom  generates angular velocity.Make it what happen ?


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How our countries soil gets poluted by polythene bags, garments chemical wastage and lithium ion/cadmiumS exposed batteries of mobile, laptop and others

We the people of Bangladesh having a large density of population in the world having reducing the cultivated crops lands. because of housing , industries, parking vehicles and others. the soil  fertility factor is reducing dangerously by wastage of man-made household products likely polythene,chemicals and lithium batteries(exposed by wastage of people daily basis). so time has come to reconstruct the soil to resilient the original factors(soil) developing by processing or moving the waste from the soil polutions. yes someone focuses more on others but I move on lithium batteries.

Polythen bags hampers the soil fertility.

                                                                         Garments chemical waste
We are the people of Bangladesh having 17 core people. Maximum people uses mobile approximately 10 to 12 core. For 85% mobile phone's battery life is to 6 to 10 month's.
So, average draw a map of faulty battery will 8 - 9 core. We can have make a plan for
statistics of how much cadmium (It's poisonous for soil/human life) is exposed to soil
and water can hamper and polluted water each and everyday growing. From experts it is
known that this very dangerous item can not be be praised  on water or  soil. This item
and it's activity stay 50 to 100 years.(likely radioactivity) . Only the way to get out of the
solution is that it is first stacks and store. Then take it to the industry for recycle. Let's see
a rough statistics for 10 years from 1990-1999.But we considered it 12 month's stay of
battery life rather than be it for 8 to 10 month's .statistics below given:
year    population     weight/mobile       tons
------     ---------       -----------------       -----------
1990     12core        100gm                  13228
1991     12core        100gm                  13228
1992     12core+      100gm                  13228
1993     12core+      100gm                  13228
1994     12core+      100gm                  13228
1995     14core        100gm                  14000
1996     14core        100gm                  14000
1997     14core        100gm                  14000
1998     14core        100gm                  14000
1999     14core        100gm                  14000
------------------------------------------------------  A  HUGH 136140 tons of exposed lithium in unmaged
                             total                    136140 tons

   a) The repair center of mobile phone have store and stack of batteries for 1 month period.
   b) The household user stock it by the community help.
   c) All the flow go to recycle plant.
        How do defining waste managements in DHAKA city:-
1)  Defining to the waste managements orderly first pickup wastages is the first duty to all division of Bangladesh cadmiumS/lithium ion battery,plastics,glasses,metal,paper. So uses of different type of boxes to store waste for very premature stocks.
2) Next draw and pulled the boxes to the waste management vehicle for big stores.
3) Then the collection of the vehicle to the recycling plants(plants have a classified type of waste managements in industry process) for further process.
4)  Output of the waste will be sustainable development of the people.

5) whenever i go to DWASA office at KAWRAN BAZAR in morning i always see  there are hugh amount of vegetation waste fall on the grounds having no managaments  and fertilization output from it. THE CITY CORPORATION can do respondsible 

 click on the link1 : waste food turn into organic fertilization

 click on the link 2 :Huge machine for food waste managements.



works there to gather and accumulate  all the waste and put it on 3/4 the recycle permanent machine there. the outcome of the food fertilization will be hugh and great for city near garden. this will be the same as for MIRPUR-1 BAZAR. So city corporation can take 2 projects in hand for ready real good organic fertilizer in cache.

 6) Now on the turning points come to play that the city corporation is doing works on drane , in most cases the width of the road is going narrow as before. It is the projects of CASE from the ministry of forest and environments joinly works with LGED. But the questions now how do we clean the gargases from the city. It will better to make recycling plants in dhaka for better clean dhaka more freshly works.

7) Finally for DHAKA METROPOLITAN CITY  needs three(3) recycling plants. one in Gabtoli,one in Abdullahpur and one in Sayadabad. So the city polution will be removed. Link here

Thursday, May 21, 2015



It's some screwing subduction zone creates on Nepal -Himalayien tectonics happening gets recter scale continusly but major will happen when the energy released. the next pictures say something of it


    In NEPAL there is 10km in depth of epicenter like surrounding katmondu is dangerous point allocation.It is base line in of Himalayes.

The type of what happened in nepal like this subductions occurs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Here how can I defined earth science on earth quake's is a matter of facts one can suggests.But my prediction 's like that , when we consider water is boiled on pot's happens like the same order occurred .



What about like happen in the mentor's or core level like the's like make force on the asthenosphere or lithospher and next the last the earth's creast. the vocalno and earth quakes results the output of the final game play by the tremendous core hot perticale movements.whenever they get any place they deservers to flow the the hottiest materials output on the earth's whenever the hotted matter get any chance to do flow needs weak point on the earth' here is the mechanism
how to do it .By following the hottest materials in  the ocean's surface trenchs or the volcano or the earth quake's.The remeady is there the balance of earth's energy does reserved by pushing extra hot and ashes to flow on the earth's surface. 
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in the turning points of cracks where from earths geo-sensor points gets repeted pulses from the bottom of eaths by catches information on eaths surface. the heavy engineering body can deep dig and push the concreates on tonage of concreate on different points accoring to the predicts body and defects founds.due to the sciesmics and geosensoroy devices finds the happens like the same body desgin for metrorail or larger constructional body. so masses of supply of concreates needed to push .