Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Here how can I defined earth science on earth quake's is a matter of facts one can suggests.But my prediction 's like that , when we consider water is boiled on pot's happens like the same order occurred .



What about like happen in the mentor's or core level like the's like make force on the asthenosphere or lithospher and next the last the earth's creast. the vocalno and earth quakes results the output of the final game play by the tremendous core hot perticale movements.whenever they get any place they deservers to flow the the hottiest materials output on the earth's whenever the hotted matter get any chance to do flow needs weak point on the earth' here is the mechanism
how to do it .By following the hottest materials in  the ocean's surface trenchs or the volcano or the earth quake's.The remeady is there the balance of earth's energy does reserved by pushing extra hot and ashes to flow on the earth's surface. 
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in the turning points of cracks where from earths geo-sensor points gets repeted pulses from the bottom of eaths by catches information on eaths surface. the heavy engineering body can deep dig and push the concreates on tonage of concreate on different points accoring to the predicts body and defects founds.due to the sciesmics and geosensoroy devices finds the happens like the same body desgin for metrorail or larger constructional body. so masses of supply of concreates needed to push .